Your Mind and You

The mind is a wild place, fragmented in memory and imagination. The labels applied to ‘negative’ experiences and the potentiality of them only result in further delusions and suffering rather than experiencing them for as they are, within them - the choice to experience the patterned comfort of doubt and fear or as the gift to evolve deeper into awareness and skillfulness of creating your life.

It is the perceptions and the state in which they are created from that form the holographic illusion of this world. The illusion itself isn’t to be discounted in the form of nihilism - or ‘what’s the point then?’ (after all you chose to come here to create all of ‘this’ in case you forgot.)

But to be experienced as a malleable, fluid projection of consciousness - your realm.

You are free when you realize that consciousness is the only living, breathing reality.

You are free from circumstance and free from the perception that the physical world outside of yourself creates your life.

You, are always free - it's only the mind that is shackled.

The ‘you’ that you think life happens to, doesn’t exist- it’s always on play. Always happening, always self created.

As the conditioning of the human experience takes hold the mind creates a false concept of ‘I.’ It perceives that things are happening to it, being done to it, being a victim of outside influences - but you are not the mind.

The true you isn’t the mind. The true you cannot be reached through the mind - it’s felt, experienced in the present moment, through yourself, through your body - as God.

Bring your awareness to the present moment - to break the illusions of the false sense of ‘I’ and false time.

The only time that exists - is now.

Not yesterday, not tomorrow - now.

You - now.